September 24, 2013

Mario and Luigi: Dream Team

Date played: September 23rd
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 7/10

I only played Dream Team for a few minutes, but it was enough to fight two mini-bosses inside Big Massif's dream. The first was a depressed looking little dude with long arms. There was a special condition to the battle though, I could only deal damage with "Excellent" hits. Thankfully, that's pretty easy. I just wailed on him using the hammer, avoiding his running attacks. It didn't take long for him to go down. The second was even easier. He's a fat sleeping brown dude who heals constantly. All I had to do was keep dishing out damage and not linger on the selection screen. I have two more mini-bosses to beat in this dungeon and I should be able to find the tour guide.