September 23, 2013

Grand Theft Auto V

Date played: September 22nd
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 8/10

Trevor is now in business with Maude, a bail jumper bounty hunter. She sends Trevor emails that include the target's name, photo and a picture of their location. The problem is that it's really hard to find these spots since the picture is really small and unclear. I ended up checking Youtube to find the first two bail jumpers. What's great about these missions is that you get a lot more money if you bring them in alive.

While driving around, Trevor had the opportunity to pick up a drunk couple that wanted to get a ride to their hotel. However, as odd as that may seem, he has the option of delivering them to a cult in the mountains for a good sum of money. Soon after that, Trevor met Cletus, a funny hick who likes huntin'. We went out together for some entertaining shooting. We shot satellite dishes, tires on moving cars and packs of coyotes. Cletus, impressed with Trevor's shooting ability, implied that he would invite him to shoot Elk later, the hipsters can't get enough of the free-range, organic local meat.
The ATV's have been useful when travelling through the rural areas

I then played a main story mission. Trevor had a meeting with a very high Chinese gangster and his humble translator. Trevor would supply meth to the Chinese men in exchange for large sums of money. They visit Trevor's lab, which is really just a convenience store. After hiding the two guests, we had a shootout with a rival gang (I think they might be Mexican) who decided to raid our lab. Trevor's special ability came in handy as it makes him deal more damage and receive less. Last but not least, I completed Trevor's first Rampage mission, a tasteless annihilation of all rednecks in the vicinity. It was a dumb, pointless mission.