September 26, 2013

Shadow of the Colossus HD

Date played: September 25th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 10/10

My daughter and I were hanging out in the basement when she asked if I could play a game. I thought about all the games I had, trying to find something with a simple story and interesting stuff to look at and I stopped on Shadow of the Colossus HD, which I bought for 5$ during a PSN sale. It did not disappoint. I played this game when it came out on PS2 and loved it, so I knew what to expect.

The graphics overhaul is definitely impressive. The game looks great, but more importantly, the awful frame rate from the original is now buttery smooth. Since there is no talking in this game, my daughter can easily follow what's going on. She liked the horse and the girl Wander is trying to save. I fought the first two colossi, both being very simple battles. The first is really a tutorial in many ways. I just had to climb on it's heel and stab it once so I could climb higher and stab it in the head. The second had me shoot it's feet with the bow to make it slump, then climb to it's head, take off half it's damage and finish him off with some butt stabbing action.

My daughter's reactions were interesting. She was cheering me on, claiming that it looked difficult for Wander to hang on. However, when the creatures died, she became a bit sad and tried changing the subject. I think it's because the creatures don't seem aggressive and because of the sad music.