September 2, 2013

Civilization V

Date played: August 31st and September 1st
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 8/10

Scientific victory!
Salarian victory! I continued my scientific dominance with the Salarians. The Asari backed off, the Volus kept trying to drag me into war and I had a very important aluminium trading business with the Alliance. In fact, it's this trading business with Hackett that allowed the great Salarian empire to build all the components required to launch a new space colony.

It's almost like I played Mass Effect 4. At the end of Mass Effect 3, the Normandy has crashed onto a lush tropical planet. With the Mass Effect drives destroyed, the crew is stranded. I like to pretend that this game of Civ was a race to the rediscovery of space travel. I won bitches.