August 12, 2012

Sound Shapes

Cities is the best track in the game so far
Date played: August 10th, 11th and 12th
Platform: Vita and PS3
Session fun rating: 10/10

This game is amazing. I showed it to my brother who was visiting on Friday, playing some of the earlier songs. We also played what I think is the best song so far, Cities by Beck. The level is based in a city where a nuclear bomb is about to blow. It's really hard to describe but there are platforms that appear and disappear based on when Beck is singing. Some of these platforms change depending on the words in the song, etc. It's really unique refreshing. I also played all of the second album that was set in a corporate building. I've also been just replaying levels because...well, it's fun. The only thing that is pissing me off right now is that I can't seem to always stay connected to PSN which means I haven't been able to try other people's levels.