August 9, 2012

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3

CODHeads Anonymous
Date played: August 8th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 8/10

*Transcript from CODHeads Anonymous meeting of August 9th 2012*

Seb: Hi my name is Seb and I'm a Call of Duty user.

Group: Hi Seb!

Seb: I have been clean for over a year but yesterday..... *sobs*, I cracked. I bought Modern Warfare 3 and jumped online. I don't know what it was, maybe it was that amazing multiplayer trailer for Black Ops 2 that got me going, maybe I just haven't played a competitive shooter in so long but here I was, sitting in my living room putting the dirty disc in my PS3.

Group: It's ok, we understand.

Seb: I didn't even do any preliminaries, I just played Team Deathmatch right away. It felt good at first. I got the rush I used to get when I got my first kill. I played more. Then it hit me. I've done this shit before, why am I doing it again?

Group: Good job!

Seb: But you know what? I still love it. Is that wrong? I reached level 8, created a class with an MG46 and while I wasn't even close to my skill level from a year ago, I knew I could be good again. I'm hoping that distractions like Sound Shapes, Alice Madness Returns, Darksiders 2 and Wipeout 2048 can show me the loving ways of playing more than one game at a time and keep my CoD addiction in check. Thank you for listening.

Group: Thanks Seb!