August 28, 2012

NHL 13 demo

Claude Giroux
Date played: August 27th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played two games of the NHL 13 demo with my brother. We are huge NHL fans and while the real season may be in jeopardy, the game is still coming out soon. The demo only has two teams and one period per game but it was enough to give us a sense of the changes made to the game. I played one game as the Kings and one as the Devils.

The biggest change seems to be stick play. Everything is a little bit slower than before but the sticks have better reach and it's easier to take the puck away from a carrier than it was last year. There is also backwards skating with the puck and the graphics have changed for the better. The frame rate is better than ever and the players look more accurate. Overall, it seems like these are minor changes but will change the way we play the game. I can't wait to play my Sens in their new and improved glory!