August 12, 2012

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3

Date played: August 11th and 12th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 8/10

All right, I'm starting to get a better feel for the maps and starting to do better overall. I switched guns and am now using the PKP, a slower LMG. I seem to do better with large, slow machine guns. It was rough for a while but once I unlocked the grip, it felt a lot better. I had my first really good game of Team Deathmatch at something like 19-8. It felt good! I also played a whole bunch of Domination which seems to give my playstyle more flexibility. I'm also loving the Stinger that I recently unlocked and am providing anti-air support for my team. I am now level 40 or so, this is a double exp weekend so I got a big boost out of it.