August 29, 2012

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3

Date played: August 28th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 7/10

I played a few matches of Team Deathmatch and tried out the bouncing betties. These are explosives that can be set on the ground that then jump in the air and explode when someone walks close by. They are kind of like C4 except they get people that hide behind crates and stuff. The range seems shorter though. Either way, they work pretty well if placed in high traffic areas that don't often get grenades lobbed close by.

I then finally started playing the single player campaign. It starts with a bang, following a Navy Seal named Frost through two missions in New York city. The first was pretty standard Call of Duty except it had skyscrapers blowing up and stuff. It also had a predator missile section and a turret sequence while riding a Blackhawk.

The next mission was the cool E3 demo that had Frost and his fellow Seals using motorized underwater vehicles to ambush a nuclear Russian Sub. Once it was immobilized by our explosives, I boarded the thing and just shot everyone until we could disable the entire sub. We then escaped in a small rubber boat in an amazing looking, if boring sequence. I stopped playing there.

This is a typical COD game in all aspects. The AI is as dumb as ever with dozens of dudes running into a room in a line, letting me gun them down like the fodder they are. It's really jarring seeing the difference between a human and a shitty AI. Thankfully, the missions were somewhat interesting, if not very challenging.