August 31, 2015

Batman: Arkham Knight

Date played: August 30th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

Arkham Knight has really grabbed my attention... I played a bunch again, progressing the story a little bit and spending a lot of time with the side missions. For the main missions, I discovered that Scarecrow is working with Penguin to move weapons around. There was a pretty cool segment where I had to analyze a scene in detective mode. As I found clues, I could observe a virtual recreation of the scene and had to spot clues to add detail. Batman got some help from Nightwing, formerly Robin, to find some info on the Penguin's supply chain. He joined me for an assault on one of the Penguin's storehouses where we fought a bunch of thugs. The Penguin got away though... We then blew up the weapons cache.

Most of my time was spent with side missions. I met with Azrael, a super hero that wants to learn from Batman and protect the city from crime if ever the dark knight retires or dies... I got to play a little battle as Azrael and liked his combat style. I also chased down some APC's with the Batmobile and deactivated some big mines all over the city. I found more clues relating to the dead bodies I've been finding hung up, crucified. I also met a large creature that ended up being a man who had been transformed into a real, giant bat because of his own scientific research. I destroyed a few enemy towers and drones too.
Wayne Tower is where I get new gadgets
The coolest set of side missions featured the Riddler and Catwoman. Catwoman was captured by the Riddler. The enigmatic villain had put an explosive collar on the woman. Batman has to solve a series of riddles and puzzles to get keys to the collar and save his "known associate". The missions themselves were all very varied and interesting. I raced around a dangerous track in the Batmobile. I fought some robots with Catwoman, even getting to play as her a few times. I solved an elaborate puzzle where I had to control the Batmobile remotely as Batman pressed switches to make a path for it. I glided through a dangerous sewer. Catwoman is still captive, but I'm making steady progress towards saving her.

I unlocked a few new skills and gadgets too, making combat even more fun and varied. Finally, I followed some clues I got from the Penguin and ended up on a large airship that was attacked by Scarecrow. This game is filled with so much stuff to do, and most of it is a lot of fun... Everything is very polished and smooth too, making Arkham Knight a very high quality game overall. I can't wait to play more!