August 6, 2015

Alien: Isolation

Date played: August 5th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10

I was in the mood for a scary game last night, so I played some Alien: Isolation, a game that's been sitting on my shelf for a while. The game is very atmospheric and honestly, it got pretty scary. I met a man who showed me the ropes around Sevastopol, in exchange for my help getting him back to my ship. We made our way to a transit station, a train, by sneaking around air vents. We even had to distract some bad men by turning off a nearby generator as we sneaked by. Just before reaching the train, he was killed by the alien, though I didn't get a clear view of the creature just yet.

I took the train and reached the next area, a residential sector. I ran into some people that were trying to use a hacking tool to open a door. The girl who was using it started shooting at me, then ran away when I hid. I picked up her hacking tool, only to find that she had returned with some friends. Armed with my new maintenance jack, I killed one of the dangerous men and carefully made my way out of the area. Along the way, I picked up a revolver as well.

The hacking tool I picked up was missing a data pad, so I searched for that in the tech support sector nearby. I discovered that some people had taken the flight recording device that was on my ship and had hacked it, only to find that it's data had been wiped clean. I found my data pad, but as I was making my way out, the alien came back and got dangerously close to me, but he went away.
Ridley is a very believable hero

The alien is terrifying... It slinks about like a snake, sounds like a monster and looks like something straight out of hell. It feels like it was pulled straight out of the movies... The hacking tool restored, I made my way to the elevator the woman was trying to hack. The alien killed her group, so I had no problem hacking into the next sector. The hacking mini-game is pretty cool, making me match symbols on a display before the timer expires.

In the next area, I must find my way into the communications center to talk to the people on my ship. I met some androids there known as Working Joes. These guys are fucking creepy and surprisingly, very deadly. They seem to be in charge of security, but are quick to kill anyone who disagrees. As I was trying to reach the comm center, one of them saw me and promptly smashed my skull into the walls, killing me rather quickly, so I decided to stop playing there.