August 2, 2015

Super Mario 3D World

Date played: August 1st
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 8/10

It's been a while since I played this game, but my girlfriend was in the mood to play a video game with me, so we booted up Super Mario 3D World. We completed the castle world, thinking it would be the final world in the game. We were proven wrong, but I'll get to that in a bit.

We explored some dark caves in Switchback Ruins. We sprinted through Red Hot Run. We battled some tough enemies in Boiling Blue Bully Belt. We fought two mini bosses. We climbed through Trick Trap Tower in our cat suits. We swam through the shark infested Rammerhead Reef. We avoided lava pits in Simmering Lava Lake and made out way to the final level of the world.

Bowser is at it again!
Bowser's Lava Lake Keep was relatively easy, but the fight against Bowser himself was rather difficult. He was riding an amazing looking car on a platform as we chased him. We had to avoid his lava attacks and some spikes until he threw a sort of soccer ball bomb. When he threw those, we had to hit them back at him until his car was heavily damaged. He fell off the bridge into lava and we thought we had completed the game... Bowser jumped out of the lava and captured all the fairies again! The spiny fucker ran away to a new world, a Bowser theme park!

We played one level there, Spiky Spike Bridge, which was filled with intense spike bridges. My girlfriend couldn't really keep up in that level and died a bunch as I made my way to the flagpole... I can't wait to see what else awaits in this world.