August 9, 2015

Alien: Isolation

Date played: August 9th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10

I continued a bit further into this scary, intense game. I had to make my way through the communications center of the Sevastopol ship to contact my ship and get the hell away from this hellhole. The place was littered with Working Joes, the creepy androids who have turned psycho. The game literally offers me no way of defending myself against them, I absolutely have to avoid detection. I mean, I have a gun and a melee weapon, but I wasn't able to kill anything with them except a weak, damaged and downed.

This revolver seems to be useless against Working Joe androids...
Most of the game ends up being about sneaking around in vents and hiding behind furniture, waiting for an opening to move forward. After sneaking around a bunch, I discovered that long range communications were broken, so I moved deeper into the communications center to find a short range radio or something.

I ended up finding a radio and managed to make contact with a man and a woman on my crew. They made it onto the Sevastopol, but the woman is gravely injured. Amanda Ripley decided to meet back with them, so I sneaked through the area back to the train. I heard the alien a few times, but I never saw him. I met up with my crew and will head out to the medical wing to find supplies to help the woman.