August 25, 2015

The Order: 1886

Date played: August 24th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10

The story is pretty damn cool in this game...

Galahad, the hero, begrudgingly teamed up with the Rebel leader, an Indian lady named Lakshmi. She offered proof that the United India Company is the real enemy here, not the rebels. She became my partner for much of the three chapters I played. We first went through some tunnels to reach the Company's headquarters, then sneaked through some warehouses and the shipyard until we reached the main cargo area. We had a few firefights along the way and I got to use a fun grenade launcher for a bit.

In the cargo area, it was quickly revealed that the Company was shipping vampires in crates to North America! Galahad and Lakshmi burned the whole place down, vampires included, and fought their way out of the inferno. Galahad tried to convince the head of the Order to act against the Company, but he was ridiculed and left with few options. Thankfully, Lucan, the son of the Order's leader and brother of Lady Igraine, the woman from the first half of the game, agreed to help investigate further.
This screenshot was taken during gameplay... it looks that fucking beautiful.
The Company is led by a friend of the Order, Lord Hastings, who lives in a great mansion. Galahad and Lucan decided to infiltrate the house during a rainy night to find evidence of the conspiracy. This was a pretty cool stealth sequence where I had to move about the mansion's garden without being seen, killing guards as they patrolled nearby. The stealth works pretty well for the most part, but I'm glad there wasn't too much of it. We soon met up with Lakshmi and her daughter and entered the mansion. There were lots of great firefights here, featuring a ton of action.

I have to say it again, The Order: 1886 is a visual masterpiece. It really has no equal in terms of pure graphical beauty. The art style is wonderful, the textures are super detailed, the characters' faces are very well animated and everything just looks amazing. The mansion was no exception, with elaborate designs, furniture and even a few hunting trophies laying about. We did find evidence of the conspiracy eventually, but that's when shit hit the fan for real.

It turns out that Lord Hastings is a fucking vampire... As Galahad and Lakshmi were confronting him, Lucan betrayed us and revealed that he is also a vampire! It couldn't have gone worse. I wounded Lord Hastings and had a brief fistfight with Lucan, allowing Lakshmi to escape. As we fought, Igraine and Lafayette arrived and promptly arrested me for treason, as Lord Hastings watched, Lucan having escaped. My colleagues from the Order were clearly disappointed and felt betrayed...