August 27, 2015

Atari 7800 Video Cable Disaster!

Now this is good box art!
Date played: August 26th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 3/10

I recently bought a few Atari 2600 games to play on my 7800. At 5$ each, I snagged Ms. Pac-Man, Asteroids, Space Invaders and Berzerk. My daughter really liked the box art for both Ms. Pac-Man and Berzerk, so she really wanted to see them in action. I plugged in my 7800 and was soon very disappointed to see that my video cable was completely broken. I don't think it can be repaired either, as the copper pin simply broke in half.

My daughter was now very sad that she couldn't see the games, so I found a website that runs 2600 games in a browser and played the 4 games, as well as a few others. Ms. Pac-Man, even though it's a weird looking version of the game, still plays great and was a lot of fun for me, but bored my 5 year old rather quickly. She didn't like Space Invaders and Asteroids at all, though both hold up quite nicely.

Berzerk is a very special game to me. I think it may have been the first video game I've ever played. Back in the first half of the eighties, I must have 3 or 4 years old, I clearly remember playing this game with my grandma in her living room. Just like my daughter, the box art had caught my attention and I imagined the action to look just like the amazing art. Today, Berzerk still plays rather well. It's actually pretty complex for a game of that era, featuring multiple rooms, vertical, horizontal and diagonal shooting and different enemy types. My daughter liked it too, picking up on the details rather quickly. This isn't the first time I get nostalgic for this game...

We also tried a few other games quickly, like Frogger, Tapper, Moon Patrol and a fucking creepy Snow White game. I will have to take a closer look at my video port to see if it's salvageable, I hope I don't have to shop for another 7800...