August 15, 2015

Alien: Isolation

Date played: August 15th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

The alien is here and it's fucking horrifying.

I got to the medical bay and while looking for supplies, I met a man, a doctor. He didn't have any supplies but he promised he would help me find some in another sector of the hospital if I helped him find a door code. I explored the medical bay and found the code, but then the alien showed up.

The alien is very scary...
This was the first time I felt like the game was "starting" for real. I had to use my motion tracker a lot to see where the alien was and where it was going. Surround sound helps a lot too, since I can hear the thunderous footsteps of the creature around me. I sneaked around as best I could, hiding from the alien when it got too close. It's impressive posture and predatory manners scared the shit out of me more than once. I got killed by it three times and each time, it was gruesome and quite disturbing.

When I made it back to the doctor with the code, he opened the elevator to the next sector for me, but before he could join me, the alien grabbed him from behind and snuffed out his life.