August 21, 2015

Alien: Isolation

Date played: August 20th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

The last time I was really scared by a video game is when I played P.T., the weird teaser for a Silent Hill game that was recently cancelled. Last night, Alien: Isolation made me scream out loud in terror...

I continued going through the medical bay, trying to find supplies for my crew, all while avoiding the alien and trying to find a way to escape the Sevastopol. I'm starting to get more comfortable with how the game really works. As far as I can tell, the alien is never really scripted, it behaves differently every time I die and replay the same areas. It can see me easily when I'm moving, but sometimes, if I crouch and don't move, it will walk right by me without seeing me. It loves to investigate loud noises, such as gunshots and explosions. It can hide in vents in the ceiling, but normally, a little drip of acid saliva can be seen and the creature's rasping breath can be heard. Hiding spots work really well, as long as the alien hasn't seen me enter them.
The birthplace of a baby alien
Still, with all these tools, I still get tense as hell, I sweat like a motherfucker and I take out my motion tracker way too often. In one, brightly-lit room, I walked in, expecting no funny business, when the alien suddenly burst out from the ceiling and stabbed me in the chest with it's limbs before eating my face. I couldn't help it, I fucking screamed when that happened...

Eventually, I found the medical supplies and found some clues about what happened. The scariest thing of all is that I think there is more than one alien on the station... I found multiple corpses with large holes in their chest, the typical indicator that a new alien was born. I love this game, but I really can't play it for long periods of time, it's just way too tense for me!