August 2, 2015


Date played: August 2nd
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 7/10

I finished Journey on PS4!

I was almost at the end of the game when I last played it, so it didn't take very long to complete. I met another player and we made our way through a vertical chamber, floating and jumping from platform to platform together. We reached the mountain and after battling with the high winds and the extreme cold, we died together near the summit. I played through the final sequence alone where I was able to fly through the air gracefully until I reached the summit.
I found a new partner to complete my Journey
My daughter was really interesting to talk to throughout. She built her own theories as to what would happen and what each character represents. She accurately predicted that we would die at the summit. She also speculated that the tall creatures in white robes were already dead. That they were the players who reached the summit before us and died a long time ago. She told me that the graves we had seen in the other parts of the game were because the other players had lost their scarves. We even ended up talking about death and what she thinks happens when we die. It was a very cool way to have a conversation with her. I loved playing Journey a second time.