August 6, 2015

Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions

Date played: August 6th
Platform: Vita
Session fun rating: 7/10

I was watching the Canadian national leader's debate, and it was as boring and predictable as you could expect, so I turned on my Vita and tried out Geometry Wars 3, a game I got for free on PS+. I absolutely loved Geometry Wars 2, so I was a bit disappointed that this game plays so differently, because the surface isn't flat anymore. It's more like a geometric shape, like Super Stardust or Nano Assault.

Fortunately, it plays pretty damn well and was a good time killing game for me tonight. There are now items that can equipped, similar to what is seen in Nano Assault, including drones and a powerful super move. The levels are varied, including things like time attacks and bosses. The bosses were both pretty cool and the varied levels kept me interested, even if it wasn't quite as fun as the pure score based challenge of the previous game.