August 30, 2015

Rocket League

Date played: August 29th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 10/10

One of my brothers hosted a little party at his house. After some tasty BBQ and lots of friendly discussion, it became apparent that Rocket League is the hottest game of the summer. Of all the folks at the party, only two people had never played it and most play it almost daily. Rocket League the hit of the summer!

We ended up spending most of our evening playing it in 2 vs 2 local, the losing team giving their controllers to two other people. I played extremely well in most matches. I am a long range, high speed striker. Sometimes, when I miss, it's really hard to get back into the action quickly enough, but I found that most people don't really use the entire arena to their advantage. I was riding up walls to gain momentum, boosting to the items that recover all the boost to maximize my speed and using my momentum to strike at the ball hard and fast. Most of the others would typically stay too close to the ball, making for weak shots and slow players.

We had dozens of awesome, tense, fierce matches, each more exciting than the last. We changed the teams up every match, so I got to play with, and against everyone. I think Rocket League might just be my favorite video game this year.