June 16, 2014

Mario Kart 8

Date played: June 15th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 10/10

Ok, 4 player split-screen Mario Kart is fucking awesome.

Lakitu's joy is contagious on Mount Wario
My brother, his girlfriend and my girlfriend played together through four or five Grand Prix's as well as a couple of VS matches without AI. I much prefer playing without AI since it makes for tighter races and more item variety. However, the best part is having someone to blame for everything that happens on the track! We also had a variety of controller configurations. The ladies were sporting the Gamepad and Pro Controller, while me and my brother rocked the Wii remote and nunchuk setup. The only thing that kind of sucks with 4 player split-screen is that the framerate takes a pretty heavy hit, but it's still very playable. Oh yeah, and fuck the motherfucking horn.