May 13, 2014


Rexxar is fun to play
Date played: May 13th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played a bit with the shaman to level him up, but I had a hard time clearing the daily quest with him, as it required me to summon 30 minions that cost 2 mana or less. The best candidate for the job seemed to be the hunter, Rexxar. I rebuilt his deck and filled it with some of the new cards I got since I last played him as well as a bunch of beasts and beast-focused cards.

It worked out pretty well and I won most of my matches in casual play, except for one match against a skilled and devilish warlock. I like the hunter more than before though, as I balanced my deck a bit better. One minion card has the ability to grant charge to all other beasts, which became a lot more powerful than I first thought.