January 1, 2013

Warhammer 40k: Space Marine

Date played: January 1st
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 8/10

I finished Warhammer 40k: Space Marine. The last time I played this it must have been November but I still had it in the back of my mind to finish. I went through the last two acts where I shot hundreds of orks, but also demons. There is a great demonic lord of some sort that opened up a portal to the world and will basically take over the world.

The demon lord and his minions as they prepare to attack Titus
The demon enemies are mostly the same as the orks except they have more health and hit a bit harder. I activated the big weapon we had and we shot down an orbital thing that was causing some sort of issue. Eventually, I killed the ork leader in a bloody battle and went after the demon lord dude. The last level was really the toughest section of the game. It starts with an arena scenario where a bunch of demons attacked me in close quarters. It was tough but with the help of the powerful shotgun and all my other big guns, I made it through. The very last playable section was an epic fight against the demon lord while free falling. I could shoot him and I had to avoid projectiles but the bulk of the battle was a series of quick-time events.

I really liked this game. It was fun, simple and not overly ambitious. It was a story of Ultramarines and the bloodbath they leave behind them. I loved it.