January 12, 2013

Call of Duty Black Ops 2

Patience by Doug Savage
Date played: January 11th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 10/10

Boy, I was on fire for a bit there! I haven't played this for a while and my first game was more of a test than anything else. I set up a new, gun free class focused on explosives and equipment. While it was really fun, it was also very difficult to get kills. I had the shield, the RPG, some C4, equipment and explosive related perks and the Black Hat. The Black Hat is really cool as it allows remote hacking of enemy equipment. Paired with the perk that lets you see that stuff in red from a distance, I could easily hack bouncing betties and turn them on their owners. I think this setup would have been pretty good if I had an actual gun but the shield is something I wasn't used to so I performed poorly.

Soon after though, I got back to my roots, the  MK48 light machine gun and I completely dominated all subsequent games. I had a pretty fun rivalry with another Quebecer who used a shotgun. He seemed to stay in the same general area of the map so I kind of stalked him a bit. I love shotgun users because they are always in such a hurry. Patience usually wins against them unless you encounter them by surprise in close quarters. I think patience is my best quality in this game. People are always so eager to get to the fighting that they forget to be careful.