January 30, 2013

Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

Babana splits are famous in Al Mamoon
Date played: January 30th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 7/10

I spent most of my time exploring the desert city of  Al Mamoon, famous for it's milk fountains and babanas. I bought some new equipment, talked to some folks and picked up some errands. I love the fact that resting at an inn fills out a new page of the Wizard's Companion with lore about the area.

I met the sage I was looking for but he stopped using magic because the evil dude Shadar stole a piece of his daughter's heart. Now he's too scared to do anything so naturally, the answer lies in Motortown, Oliver's regular world home town. It turns out that the sage's soul mate is afflicted by a Nightmare, a sort of dark curse and that the only way to save him is to fight the damn thing. This was one of the tougher fights where I really had to take my time and be careful to defend well. I'm really liking my little monkey familiar, he can dish out lots of damage. After the fight, all I had to do was give the man some kindness and I stopped playing.