January 28, 2013

Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation

Date played: January 27th and 28th
Platform: Vita
Session fun rating: 8/10

I finished Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation. I actually played through about half the game in one go. It was fairly short and the story was kind of all over the place but it was pretty good. The game isn't nearly as good as AC3 but it still managed to be interesting.

In one mission, I made a ship crash by turning off a lighthouse. One of the better missions in the game had me stalk a group of dudes in the Bayou and hit them with poison darts without getting caught. The catch was that the dudes thought it was a voodoo spell because of signs that were put up by my former master.

I went back to Chichen Itza to get the second piece of the artifact. This was another linear platforming section, then another simple puzzle. Back in New Orleans and Bayou, I completed a bunch of little side missions for smugglers where I had to just kill a bunch of bad guys. I rescued a slave named George who eventually betrayed me... I attended a fancy party where I had to make small talk, dance (with touch controls) and eventually charm Vasquez and kill his ass.
Connor and Aveline, being all assassin-like together
It turns out that I've been chasing the wrong guy where I was led to New York where I met Connor! Unfortunately, he only had a few lines of dialogue but it was nice to see a familiar face. He helped me kill the traitor George who revealed the final villain. As in many fairy tales, it turned out the enemy was Aveline's step-mother all along...

She is a templar and she seemed to have convinced Aveline to join her cause and kill Agaté for good. This was the real boss fight as I had to fight through all the game's bosses in a gauntlet, justified as being one of Agaté's spells. After all that shit went down, I was inducted as a Templar, only to quickly kill every one and end the game. This was a good, but very buggy game.