January 7, 2013

Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation

Aveline is pretty awesome
Date played: January 6th
Platform: Vita
Session fun rating: 6/10

I've been in the mood for Assassin's Creed lately I guess... I played through a few missions in the Vita game while watching some TV shows. It's weird, after playing AC3, this game really feels like it's ugly cousin. The framerate is really noticeable now, the animations are less intricate and the platforming is clunkier. It's still fun though!

I assaulted a fort in the Bayou with Elise and had to chase down one of the leaders there. Unfortunately, I was too slow a few times due to the finicky platforming. I helped a ship captain get his money back from a competitor and he has pledged to help me in the future. That should come in handy... Another mission had me blow up a ship, it was pretty spectacular. I also had a crazy horse carriage ride where I had to avoid obstacles, but honestly, it controlled like shit. Then a pretty major mission played out. I set up a huge ambush on a guy by knocking down water towers to block the streets. Eventually, I caught him. I was supposed to kill him as per my mentor's instructions but I offered him mercy in exchange for information. It seems that he was shipping off slaves to Mexico! I wonder what that's all about...