January 11, 2013

Assassin's Creed 3

Date played: January 10th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 8/10

I played through a ton of side missions and I think I've done everything that was available in New York, Boston and the Homestead at the moment. I've liberated all areas, I've found all the Peg Leg trinkets, I've opened every treasure chest, I've taken over all the forst, I've killed all the assassination targets and synchronized all view points. There are still weird little challenges that are outstanding but those are really minor quests with no visible benefits like the thieve's guild challenges and the delivery requests.

Captain Kidd has the best side missions in the game
The best side quest so has been the Peg Leg series. It's deep, it's fun, it has different environments and naval battles and it has a cool story. Connor is basically looking for the famous pirate Kidd's treasure. I explored the last area which was some crazy guy's mansion in Jamaica. After some platforming and investigating, I found the last piece of the treasure map which led to Oak Island off the Canadian east coast. There, I had to find four markers and align some weird signals with some rocks and trees, eventually pointing Connor to a big rock in the middle of the island. With the help of some explosive barrels (really), we managed to blow the hole open. After more platforming, I found a precursor object, a ring, with a very strong magnetic field which is how Kidd managed to seem invincible to bullets as it would simply redirect them. Apparently, Connor will now evade bullets more often. Sweet!

The only thing left for me to do at the moment is to finish off side quests in the Frontier. That means feathers and a few hunting related things, then I'll move on to the next sequence.