January 26, 2013

Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition

Date played: January 26th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 6/10

After some satisfying NBA Jammin', we played another new game I got from PSN Plus, SSFIV:AE. I played the original SFIV quite a bit on 360 and a good amount of SSIV on 3DS but I never played Arcade Edition. As far as I can tell from the brief time we played it, it has a few new characters and modes but it plays the same. That means I'm still pretty good at it while my guests were all new to the game.

I played only two or three matches and only once as Dhalsim, my main. When I did, it all came rushing back to me and I was pulling off teleports, yoga fires and fireballs in no time. It was quite unfair... I then played as Ryu to help my brother learn a few basic moves like hadoken and shoryuken.