January 27, 2013

Rayman Legends demo

Date played: January 27th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 8/10

Wow, I thought I would be a bit lukewarm on this one but it turns out it's really fun and interesting. The demo had three levels. The first was to show off the multiplayer portion, where someone has to use the Gamepad to touch different things on screen to help the characters progress. In the demo, this was done using an AI partner. I just hope in the real game, this stuff is optional... It looked really fun but only with a real person.
Castle Rock is epic!
The second level was a more traditional platforming level that played exactly as you would expect it to. The third level was by far the best of the bunch, so good in fact that I played it twice in a row. Castle Rock is a fast paced, music themed level. I basically ran really fast across the level and every action was a musical sound that combined into a weird Black Betty wannabe song. It worked amazingly well honestly. I should also point out that the graphics are even better than they were in Origins. While Origins was all 2D, this one has some 3D models, mixed with 2D sprites. It might sound awful but it actually looks fucking great. I wasn't sold on this before but now, I have to play it.