August 11, 2017


Date played: August 9th and 10th
Platform: PS4

The summer games event is back! And there's a bunch of amazing new skins, including a BBQ Soldier 76 and a beach bum McCree. I got a couple of fun voice lines and victory poses, as well as a spiffy Torbjorn skin. Today's play of the night is one that was born of desperation. My team was fucking garbage, and as is becoming the norm, we had a Widow and Hanzo, because of course, no tank and no healer. I tried holding on as Reinhardt, but even then, it was shit. I went for broke and picked Bastion in a desperate attempt to fend off the enemy team. They weren't much better than my team, so I did pretty well. The single best moment here is when I counter-snipe the enemy Widow with my recon gun...