November 7, 2015


Date played: November 6th
Platform: Vita
Session fun rating: 8/10

I decided to give this game another shot, since I love a lot of things about it. It turns out, the last time I played, I had been trying to make progress on the wrong planet, hence my frustration. I explored another planet, fought some monsters and navigated it's maze-like layout. Along the way, I found 2 health upgrades and a couple of gun upgrades.
The second boss
The gun upgrades are super weird. Basically, I can take these points and allocate them to different abilities for the gun. There are three presets available, so that I can swap on the fly. Some of the upgrades allow for faster firing, spread shots, zig-zagging shots and more importantly, damage dealt. I found the second boss at the end of a path. I was disappointed to see that it was the same boss as before but with a new ability. It made it more difficult, but I didn't have too much trouble.

My reward was the awesome plane-shifting ability, which lets me jump into the background of the map to find new paths and secrets. It's a very cool mechanic.