December 12, 2017

Super Mario Odyssey

Date played: December 9th and 10th
Platform: Switch

Now that I've completed the main story, I get to dig into the real meat of Mario's latest adventure, gathering power moons! While I enjoyed the little story and loved the battles and bosses, they don't compare with the pure joy of just exploring each Kingdom, trying to find every hidden moon and purple coin.

I did a lot of that.

I returned to where it all started, the Cap Kingdom. I can now open those metal cubes that show up in most kingdoms. They unlock a bunch of new moons to discover! At the same time, Princess Peach is going on a trip around the world, visiting every Kingdom. I have to find her in each of them to get a power moon. There are also some common mission types that have been popping up, such as a race against some Koopas. I messed around in the Cap Kingdom for a while, gathering moons, though I wasn't able to get them all yet.

My daughter watched me play a little bit and suggested we take a look at the Cloud Kingdom, since she hadn't seen it. This one is tiny though, with only a total of 9 moons to gather, 2 of which I already got when I did the story stuff here. I got them all now! A fun mission had me go through a cube where each side was a 2D room, with the 6th side cleverly hiding a bonus moon.

The best of these was a funny mission where I had to recreate a Goomba's face by grabbing stickers of it's mouth, eyes and eyebrows. This might sound easy, but placing the items correctly was rather difficult. I fucked up with the mouth a few times, and since the stickers disappear as soon as they are placed, it gave us some hilarious results.

After a few attempts, I got the two moons from the mission, but my daughter was really interested in trying it. When she failed her first attempt horribly, it quickly became the joke of the day. We must have spent 20 minutes just replaying this mission, trying to make funny Goombas! It was fucking great.

Finally, I went back to the Sand Kingdom and spent a lot of time just exploring and getting moons. Gathering hints from the parrot, Amiibo and maybe even the Toad guy is becoming more and more important, since the obvious moons are all gone. It's fun though, since there's so much to find everywhere. The Koopa race was particularly fun. There's still tons more to discover!