December 24, 2017

Rocket League

Date played: December 22nd and 23rd
Platform: PS4

All 3 screenshots are from the exact same moment
Rocket League has become my default "filler" game these last few weeks. When I don't have anything in particular I feel like playing, I just boot up Rocket League and play a few matches. These last couple of days however, I feel like I really stepped up my game and have been making a bigger difference in matches.

I got myself quite a few goals, even more assists and my aerial game is much better than it was a few weeks ago. My favorite play was a high altitude pass from the side of the arena, to the center field, which was then picked up by a teammate for the goal.

Last night, my youngest brother came over to play some games and we ended up getting a bit of online split screen. He was rusty, but he got better really quickly and we had tons of fun playing it.