March 1, 2015


Date played: March 1st
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 6/10

I'm not quite sure what kind of game Apotheon is yet, but it's kind of interesting, though I have to play more of it to really know if I like it or not. It certainly looks amazing as it sports a unique, 2D art style. It feels like playing an old painting.
I killed that dude!
Set in ancient Greece, a warrior must fight off invaders that swarm his home town. So far, I've only played a few tutorial-like missions. Most of the game seems to be about combat and exploration. Combat is weird, but oddly satisfying. There are a variety of weapons that can be picked up, swung and thrown. Knives, swords, clubs, lances, shields, etc. It's kinda cool, but I'm not 100% sold on this game just yet.