November 2, 2016

The Walking Dead: Michonne

Date played: October 31st
Platform: PS4

I couldn't just let Halloween pass without playing a horror game, so I picked up the Michonne mini-series from Telltale games, who have made some great interactive stories in the past. Michonne is a sword-wielding badass who, in this game, walks alone in the wasteland of the United States.

Just like all the other Telltale games, this is a story driven adventure, with little interactivity. Most of the action comes from dialog trees and a few quick time events, usually involving some barbaric zombie butchery.

The game begins as Michonne walks in the woods at the end of her rope, fighting off walker after walker. She's just about had enough, and as a group of walkers looms ahead, she puts one round in her pistol's chamber and brings the gun to her head, contemplating suicide. That's when a man showed up and convinced her to go back to his camp with her.

Pete is a genuinely nice guy, so he brings Michonne to his crew and their small ship. Things are going well, and I'm playing Michonne as a badass, but with a bit of a heart. So I am kind of an asshole in my replies, but in the end I usually choose the "right" thing.

After meeting the team and exchanging pleasantries, it became apparent that the small ship and it's crew were in trouble, desperate to find food and other supplies. Pete is a really cool character, but so far, he's the only one that I care about.

The boat got snagged and stuck in the water after hitting some debris in shallow waters, breaking some of the devices on board and stranding our friends near shore. Pete and Michonne decide to investigate a nearby ferry to see if they can find parts to repair the boat. Predictably, they got stranded on the ferry when some walkers attacked their dinghy. Aboard the ferry, they didn't find much except for a single duffel bag filled with supplies.

That's when things turned sour. The bag seems like it belongs to a pair of teenagers, a sister and her brother, who threatened to kill Michonne and Pete when they came back for their property. After a bit of a scuffle between the two groups, a third group appeared, claiming property of the bag! The teenage siblings denied having anything to do with the bag, blaming Pete and Michonne for the theft. The girl seemed particularly apt at lying and playing the victim...

The new group overpowered us and made us captive. Masked, Michonne and her group were led to a large marine camp. These guys live on boats floating near shore. So far, we had been interacting only with a man named Randall. He is a rough motherfucker, prone to violence and other bad shit. He's not in charge though, he led us to Norma, his sister, who runs the show.

Norma is a cool character... She's dangerous, powerful and very clever. The conversation was probably my favorite part of the episode. Norma adopts a "no bullshit" attitude, and I like it. It turns out, there was more than just one duffel bag that was stolen, so Norma and Randall interrogate the group to find out where the bags are.

Randall took things a bit too far, even enlisting one of his cohorts, Zachary, to get information from the brother. He pushed it too far and killed the brother... He turned into a walker shortly after, leaving his sister in debilitating grief. The sister was so pissed, she managed to get herself into a position to kill Zachary in revenge. I had the chance to stop her, but I didn't. While Zachary didn't seem like such a bad guy, he was clearly a liability, so I don't think it's a big loss. I'm curious to see where the story goes...