November 25, 2016

Chrono Trigger

Date played: November 23rd
Platform: Vita

I finally entered the beast nest in 12 000 B.C and fought a boss right away. The mud imp, the red beast and the blue beast were a pretty tough fight... The imp has very high defense, and he heals the group, while the beasts counter attack everything. I was using Crono, Robo and Ayla. I ended up using Falcon Hit with Crono and Ayla and healing with Robo. It actually took a pretty damn long time to win, and I burned through a lot of MP, but I made it!
Mt. Woe
The next section is Mt. Woe, a set of huge floating mountains and rocky ground crawling with enemies. There's a lot of EXP and tech points to earn here, which led to Crono learning his ultimate skill, Luminaire. I decided to stop here and grind a little bit for the characters I haven't used much yet, mainly Marle. I'm sure there's a boss fight coming up, but I'll grind for a while first.