November 4, 2016


Date played: October 31st, November 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Platform: PS4

Today's hero is Lucio.

Role: Support
Difficulty: ★★
HP: 200
Armor: 0
Shields: 0
Total: 200

Favorite quote: "You Gotta Believe!"
Favorite map to play on: Nepal


Lucio is a small-framed, world famous Brazilian DJ. He has quite a funky style, including giant dreadlocks, some snazzy goggles, a flashy backpack and lots of neon colors. Best of all, he moves around on roller-skates, so his movement is unlike any other hero. In fact, that even plays into his gameplay abilities, but I'll get to that later. He wears some roller-skating protection gear too. Finally, Lucio takes his musical ability straight into the game, as he's always blasting one of two songs. His music even influences his weapon design. He wields a burst damage pistol that is made out of an audio speaker!


  • Sonic Amplifier & Soundwave: A 4 round burst weapon that fires relatively slow projectiles. Alternate fire pushes people away a fair distance, enough to throw them off cliffs and ledges.
  • Crossfade: This is definitely of Overwatch's most unique abilities... Lucio plays music continuously. He can switch songs to alternate between a healing aura that heals nearby teammate, and a speed boost aura. There's a counter on screen that indicates how many people are affected by the aura.
  • Amp It Up: Amps up the volume of the music, increasing the song's effectiveness for a short time.
  • Wall Ride: Lucio rides walls with his roller-skates. This ability can be chained around corners.
  • Ultimate - Sound Barrier: Sends out a massive shock wave that shields all nearby teammates 


  • Lucio just might be the best overall healer in the game. He can heal an entire team at once for a great amount of HP. Only Mercy can really keep up with Lucio, but she has to focus on healing, while Lucio can still do damage as he heals. 
  • The speed boost is a very useful tool in a lot of scenarios. Getting to the point faster is always a good thing. It can even help teammates escape an enemy Ultimate, such as Mei's, Hanzo's and McCree's.
  • Lucio's gun isn't incredible, but it's pretty damn good, particularly for a healer. The burst fire doesn't hit very hard, but it's damn accurate at very long range. It even works against Bastion and turrets by just popping out, letting out a burst, then hiding quickly. This works in choke points also. He can even bump people off ledges and cliffs really well with the alternate fire. 
  • Sound Barrier is AMAZING! It can protect the entire team from a big amount of damage, including most Ultimates. The timing is tricky though, and it doesn't last very long.


  • He can't really protect himself for that long alone. He goes down rather quickly to any decent offensive character.
  • While Lucio can deal some decent damage, his damage is actually one of the lowest in the game. At least it's got good range and accuracy. 
  • Sound Barrier is really hard to pull off well. It's easy to pop it too early, or too late. I'm comfortable with it now, but it took a lot of practice. 
  • Sometimes, Lucio just doesn't heal enough for the big tanks. Sometimes, you need Mercy. 


Lucio is one of my favorite heroes to play, and he might just be one of the best heroes in the game. No one ever complains about having him on the team, and he can heal the group better than any other healer. The only time he has trouble keeping up is when healing a main tank, where someone like Mercy or Ana would be better.

Lucio isn't just a healer though. He's got a very useful speed boost ability that can be the difference in a tight game. Getting people closer to the action, or in some cases, away from the action, is a great tool.

On top of that, Lucio is faster than most heroes, thanks to his roller-skates. Combined with his wall running ability and speed boost aura, this can turn Lucio into a great point contender, similar to what Genji can do with his double jumps and wall climbs.

No only that, but Lucio can shoot while healing, so he can contribute to offense. Don't expect to take out Reaper on your own, but firing into a choke point or at an immobilized target will definitely help your team. Add Lucio's ability to push people with his weapon and he becomes a very good hero overall.

The only big problem with Lucio is that he can't quite heal enough on a single target. The main reason is that Amp It Up has a very long cool down, and his regular healing is rather weak. Pair him up with Zenyatta, or even Soldier, and it becomes a lot easier.

I fucking love Lucio. I play him well and there's almost always an open spot for a healer, so I end up playing him often. Mercy is more powerful at healing a single target, but Lucio can do the job, and he can do it well. Lucio is awesome! 

Worst enemy: Winston
Best teammate: D.Va
Most satisfying kill: Reaper

Rating ★★★★★