November 29, 2016


Date played: All of last week!
Platform: PS4

Today's hero is Widowmaker.

Role: Defense
Difficulty: ★★
HP: 200
Armor: 0
Shields: 0
Total: 200

Favorite quote: "À la vie, à la mort."
Favorite map to play on: Numbani


Widowmaker might be one of the most boring heroes to look at in Overwatch. Don't get me wrong, her voluptuous ass and very exposed breasts are nice to look at, but aside from that, there are only a few things that stand out about her appearance. One of these things is her massive sniper rifle, one of the biggest guns in the game. Then there's Widowmaker's iconic helmet, which is very cool. It kind of looks a bit like a spider's head. In fact, she's got a whole spider theme going on.


  • Widow's Kiss: This is Widowmaker's main weapon. It's a big sniper rifle that also acts as a close range, rapid fire assault rifle. In assault rifle mode, it does little damage, but it is certainly useful when cornered. In sniper mode, there's a kind of charging mechanic in three stages. The first stage is instant and deals light damage. The second stage takes a bit more time, and deals medium damage. Finally, the final stage takes a bit more than a second and deals huge damage.
  • Grappling Hook: Allows Widowmaker to latch on to ledges and pull herself up to it rapidly. It has good range, but it also has a long cooldown.
  • Venom Mine: This thing is super weird. It is thrown by Widowmaker, then it sticks to the first surface it touches. When triggered, it releases a poisonous gas that deals 75 damage over a period of 5 seconds. 
  • Ultimate - Infra-Sight: Allows the entire team to see enemy positions as heat signatures, even through walls, for about 15 seconds.


  • The master of ranged combat. She can outplay anyone at extreme ranges thanks to her great rifle and accuracy. 
  • The venom mine works surprisingly well at taking out targets that are at low health.
  • She can reach pretty much any ledge, platform or roof with her grappling hook.
  • Her Ultimate is one of the best strategic tools in the game. Seeing enemy positions and animations through walls is incredibly useful.


  • Aiming is so fucking hard! In a game like Overwatch, things move really fast, so lining up a headshot from 200 meters away is really difficult. 
  • The assault rifle mode can be useful, but as a whole, it's pretty much trash. It deals pitiful damage and has lots of spread...
  • Widowmaker is almost useless on the point. She just can't get in close to the point or payload like other heroes can. Even Hanzo can jump in and survive at close range, but Widow will just die.
  • While her Ultimate is very useful, it also requires that your team work together. On uncoordinated teams, it's not very good.


It's pretty simple... A good Widowmaker is amazing. A bad Widowmaker is fucking useless garbage. That's because the skill level required to aim accurately with her sniper is very high. She is not a hero for everyone, like Lucio or Soldier. She's a hero for the guy who has good aim.

When I played her, it was pretty frustrating because I knew what I wanted to do, but my aim just wasn't good enough. With a bit of practice, I was a bit more useful, particularly with the venom mine and Infra-Sight, but I would still need a ton of practice to be any good.

However, a good Widow can be a real game changer, particularly on defense. She can hold the objective on her own, as long as she gets those headshots consistently. She's extremely vulnerable to flankers. For example, if there's a good Widowmaker on the other team, I'll just use Winston for a little while to completely neutralize her. Reaper, Tracer, Sombra, Genji and even D.Va are her main enemies, though a decent Hanzo, McCree or Pharah can also be a problem.

I usually play a ton of Reinhardt, and at first, Widowmaker was a problem for me. She would often headshot me the moment I would drop my shield, crippling me seriously. However, with experience, I've learned to spot her at long range and keep my shield up when she's around. I've also learned that most Widows don't expect a firestrike to the face. Fire Strike works really well against her, as long as she's focused on another target.

She benefits a lot from Zenyatta's discord orb, considering every shot deals 30% more damage. This also works with a Mercy's damage boost, but that feels like a real waste since Mercy should be closer to the action. I kind of wish more Widows would stick with Reinhardt, it's a really effective combo. Unfortunately, it's pretty rare that Widows move with their team, they tend to keep to themselves a little too much.

I love having a good Widow, but it's always a kind of gamble. A bad Widow is just a waste of space, but a good one can dictate the pace of the game. I do wish she had a bit more survivability at close range, so that she could contest points, but I guess if she needs to do that, it's because her team failed.

Worst enemy: Winston
Best teammate: Zenyatta
Most satisfying kill: Genji

Rating ★★