January 18, 2016

The Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes

Date played: January 17th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 9/10

My friend and I played through the 4 areas of the second world, Riverside. It introduces the water rod and the gripshot.  The water rod is really cool since it can create big fountains that act as platforms, allowing the heroes to get to higher ground without creating a totem. It also creates walking paths on water and reveals certain enemies. The gripshot is more traditional, allowing the heroes to cross large chasms by grabbing onto wooden posts or even other heroes.

In general, the Riverside area was a lot more fun than the Woodlands. The puzzles were trickier, the combat was more challenging and the items were more entertaining. My friend is really good at this game, it was great to have someone with me who knew how to fight and thinks quickly. We died a couple of times, but it was never enough to make us fail.
Our little team was pretty good
My favorite part was the final boss, a sort of octopus monster where we had to use the gripshot and the water rod as a team to defeat him. We were really close to dying, with only one heart left, when my friend made some strategically placed fountains, then I got on top and pulled at the enemy's weak spot with the gripshot. We killed it swiftly and claimed our prize. It helped that my friend was wearing an outfit that allowed some wider water fountain platforms...

With my loot, I was able to purchase the Zora outfit which allows me to travel faster in water I think. It looks pretty cool! I'm feeling better about this game now that I've played some more difficult parts.