August 18, 2013

Gravity Rush

Date played: August 17th
Platform: Vita
Session fun rating: 8/10

The story in this game is completely fucking absurd... I don't understand anything about what I'm doing and why. There's an old dude that calls himself the creator who sent me to another area with magic purple flowers and tons of enemies to fight. This one was set in a sort of lava place where if I fell too far outside the main area, Kat would take damage from the fire. I've upgraded my abilities a lot, but many feel unnecessary. For example, there is a slide more that has been used in a couple of specific places, like this fire dungeon. The problem is that it's controlled with motion, which can be inaccurate. It's kind of fun but I haven't found a way of using that in combat effectively.

Burning windmills!
At the end of the level, I was surprised to see Raven, the mysterious shifter, enter the area and start fighting me. This was a fun fight as I had to deal with another shifter's abilities. Raven attacked me with drill kicks, basic physical combos and a weird projectile attack. It took a while but after a half dozen well placed gravity kicks, she vanished in a puff of smoke.
Finishing the dungeon helped rebuild the city for some odd reason. There is now a ferris wheel in the entertainment district and I've unlocked an air ship that will take me to a new section of the city.