August 15, 2013

Civilization V

Date played: August 13th, 14th and 15th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 10/10

I finished a game of Civ V G&K.

My Mongols ruled.
My pious, ordered, liberated Mongols conquered the world with their culture. It all started with a hostile takeover of all the city states on the continent, including Cape Town. I never went to war with the other civs, though that's because I was playing on easy... I just had a bad reputation, destroying any chance for diplomatic victory.

My small wars were fought with catapults, pikemen, and a few musketmen towards the end of my growth period. Then I just settled down, spending tons of gold to build cities quickly, without exceeding 6 cities. That made the cultural victory pretty easy to win around 2008. The Chinese and Greeks never stood a chance, never mind Polynesia.

I fucking love Civilization.