Date played: August 23rd
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 9/10
I finished Bioshock Infinite.
Boy, what a crazy story... The last third of the game was really exciting. The Vox, now equipped with strong weapons, is waging war on Columbia. Everything is on fire, people are freaking out and Songbird is still out there trying to catch Elizabeth. She eventually let herself be captured to save Booker's life. There was also the whole thing with Lady Comstock. I ended up fighting her ghost about three times while trying to make our way to Comstock house to confront the Prophet. She was actually pretty hard to kill as she summons minions indefinitely. Eventually, I learned to just take pot shots at her with the carbine and shotgun.
Making our way through the area, we eventually made our way to Comstock house proper, a huge floating fortress towering over Columbia. I encountered a new enemy type, a weird dude with a freaky helmet that acts as a security camera of sorts. If spotted, he would send a dozen strong enemies after me. I quickly learned to avoid their line of sight.
After a ton of small tasks to open doors and such, we made our way to Comstock flagship, the Hand of the Prophet, a majestic Zeppelin. Of course, we had to fight tons of enemies here. I've taken a liking to the Ram ability as it helps close distance with enemies, is pretty damaging and once upgraded, recharges Booker's shield. I used it more as an "Oh shit" button than anything else. Combined with a few Bucking Broncos to stop fast enemies in their tracks and possession to take out a strong enemy or two, it was pretty rare for me to have any issues in combat.... except once. This was a battle against a Handyman, a large mechanical warrior that can electrocute skylines. While I normally didn't have any problems fighting them, the battle area was very tight and I got stuck on geometry more than once. Since the Handyman is a melee unit, I died a few times. Plus, I respawned right in front of him most of the time. The last big combat sequence had me defend the Zeppelin from the Vox. I nan incredible twist, I was able to call in the Songbird to assist me every 30 seconds or so. He took out enemy gunships and Zeppelins with style.
Songbird is amazing |
Eventually, we made it to Comstock's room in the Hand of the Prophet. I don't want to spoil everything, but let's just say that Comstock died without much resistance... The game unravels quickly in terms of story. There's a ton of stuff about travelling to other dimensions, dilating time, those weird fucking twins that show up all the time and the relationship between Comstock, Booker and Elizabeth. There's also a fantastic cameo surprise in the last chapter. The ending was real complicated and seems full of plot holes but the general idea is still really good.
I truly enjoyed my time with Bioshock Infinite, though it's weird habits still bug me such as the stupid voice recordings, the loud speaker conversations, the constant looting and the awful music. Still, the combat was really fun, varied and satisfying, Columbia is a great place to host a video game and the story was interesting, if a bit too convoluted.