June 17, 2013

Mario vs Donkey Kong

Mario vs DK is btter than expected
Date played: June 16th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 9/10

Mario vs Donkey Kong is a Game Boy Advance game that I received as part of the 3DS ambassador program. I played through the first two worlds and a good chunk of the third. There are only 6 worlds as far as I can tell so this should be a pretty short game, though some of the puzzles are starting to get pretty difficult.

This is a puzzle platformer that has Mario getting a key to a door, gathering collectible gifts and saving miniature Mario clones. There are also special levels where Mario controls the mini-Marios and has to bring them safely to a toy box. The last level of each world featured a battle against DK himself. The first one was very simple, but the second fight had me throwing barrels at him from platforms while avoiding attacks. This game is surprisingly addictive and fun.