June 8, 2013

Fire Emblem Awakening

Min Max time!
Date played: June 7th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 8/10

I played through a shit ton of random battles just to get a few level ups, to improve my supports and to increase my secondary weapon skills on some of my units. A few of my characters are starting to reach the cap on certain stats so I think I should just finish the damn game but I love it too much....

I also tried Paralogue 20 which amazingly, featured the return of Chrom's royal sister, Emmeryn. She is disoriented, talks like a child and doesn't recognize her family. Of course, a battle follows and I have to rescue her. Unfortunately, I didn't expect every single unit on the map to rush her and kill her in two hits
. I will have to use a tactic similar to Tiki's chapter where I had to surround her with units to protect her.