June 11, 2013

Fire Emblem Awakening

Close call on Paralogue 20...
Date played: June 10th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 8/10

I saved Emmeryn! I played through Paralogues 20 and 21, peppered with some random battles. Paralogue 20 was very long as I didn't want to lose any characters along the way. I took my time, built a solid fortress of units around Emmeryn and stood my fucking ground until all I had left was the boss. I had a few close calls, including having Cordelia at 3 HP and Maribelle at 4 HP but eventually, we made it and recruited the powerful sage.

Paralogue 21 was about a swordsman, I think he is one of my characters father. However, I didn't bring the right character with me and wasn't able to recruit him. The mission itself was a refreshingly easy map. After all the craziness of Paralogue 20, it was really nice to crush the opposition once more.