June 10, 2013

Kirby's Adventure

High Jump!
Date played: June 8th and 9th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 8/10

I played through worlds 3 and 4 of Kirby's Adventure. This game has it's flaws, but it's still the first time in a while I've played a NES game for more than 10 minutes... World 3 is called Butter Building and honestly, I don't remember anything special about it except that it was pleasant and calm. World 4 was a bit of a bitch though. I started dying in this world, mainly due to bottomless pits and more enemies in each screen.

The boss is the one that really got to me though. One of the abilities Kirby can gain is High Jump. The boss is a huge lightning cloud with an eye that floats around and tries to zap the little pink dude. I didn't realize that High Jump could actually damage enemies so I went through 6 lives before I understood the fight... I feel like an idiot but I finally made it through once I understood how to use High Jump!