September 3, 2012

The Walking Dead Episode 3

Date played: September 1st
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 10/10

Wow. This game series has surpassed my expectations twice over... I haven't been able to finish Episode 3 in one sitting but a lot has happened in the time I've played. The team starts starts off holed up in a motel but soon have to move due to bandit attacks. There was a short sniping sequence which didn't play all that well since this is an adventure game. Then we drove all the way to a train which was blocking the road.

A lot of what I've played was in this area as we decided to try and start the train. We picked up another traveller along the way, a hobo who lived in one of the train wagons. We finally managed to get the train going and that's where shit got crazy. I mean, our team lost at least four members since the start of the episode and Tell Tale isn't afraid of shocking the player. I don't want to spoil more of it but wow, I love this fucking game.