September 30, 2012

NHL 13

At least we all agree on this
Date played: September 30th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played a quick online game against a Chicago player and lost 2-1, but it was a fair fight. He was definitely better than me. Then I played three games against my good friend. The first game was Sens vs Habs and he won with a humiliating 4-0. I didn't deserve to win, sure, but I definitely deserved better than 4-0. Then we played Sens vs Sens and had a closer game that ended 2-1 for him. The last game was truly amazing though. It was Habs vs Habs and we fought it out like mad men without a goal until the third period. I scored first (!), then he had two unanswered goals and I tied it up with a great rebound shot. We had a close OT period and he finally won in a shoot out with a great deke. It was easily one of the best games I've ever played and it was lots of fun.