August 12, 2011

Super Mario Galaxy 2

The original giant Bowser
Date played: August 11th
Platform: Wii
Time played: 40 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

I've rescued Princess Peach and "finished" SMG 2.  While there are still plenty of stars to get (including a whole new Special world), I've played the bulk of this game and ended with around 107 stars I believe.  I might go back and get a star or two when I am bored but for all intents and purposes, I am done with this game.

The last few levels were interesting enough and the last boss was pretty cool.  Bowser is gigantic and I had to defeat him by ground pounding some floating spherical objects into his face.  There was also a really cool sequence at the very end where both Mario and Bowser are free falling while fighting.

Overall, this was a great game but it had some frustrating moments.  I'm glad I played it and it will surely keep a spot in my collection.